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Kings David

2012 | Brazilian Drama

Our history begins in 1045 BC. in Bethlehem, Israelite territory. David is 10 years old and is preparing to shepherd the flock of sheep for his father, Jesse (Jesse). David, the youngest of seven brothers, is left the role of servant of the house, being relegated in relation to the others since his brothers occupy a privileged and honored position in their family for being brave warriors of King Saul.

David grows up and becomes a great shepherd, but continues to be loving, humble and sensitive, and always in the company of his harp with which he always recites beautiful psalms and prayers to God. Saul, for his part, disobeys God's laws and God himself, through his prophet Samuel, notifies him that he will put in his place someone who is better than him, someone who has the heart of God, that being said, the spirit of God withdraws from Saul and he becomes tormented by an evil spirit.


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